Thursday, June 16, 2011

I'm Still Alive!

Wow, I haven't posted anything in forever. I hate sounding like I'm giving excuses but if you want to hear my excuse then keep reading, or you can go find something better to do for now if you don't want to hear it. I will be posting a review later today. So here's what happened. One day in January my dad came home and said that he had gotten this job he had applied for. That job happened to be in a city about an hour and a half away from where I lived at that time (we've moved now). Anyway, my mom went crazy with fixing our house. We had to paint about half of the rooms, put a new roof on it, and clean out all of the rooms. I, of course, had to help a lot with watching my siblings and cleaning stuff our while dealing with all of the homework I had from taking a full schedule. Then spring came and tennis started. I had to do either tennis or early gym (early meaning before school starts in the morning), so I did tennis. My day was pretty much school, tennis practice/game, homework, and then bed. By the time tennis ended finals were coming and I had about ten different projects and papers to do in just a couple of weeks in addition to studying. Now for the past week I've been helping with unpacking and cleaning at the new house that we've just moved into. I'm sorry for not posting anything for a while but I hope that now that it's summer and we're starting to get settled in I will be posting a lot more.

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